advisory & assessment services

Complex environmental and investment compliance services (advisory and assessment)

Acting actively on services market related to investment projects we observe the trend showing that for many potential investors the administrative procedures and law regulations related to environmental and investment compliance cause unlimited troubles. For that reason we offer complex environmental compliance services. Our activities can be divided into following fields:

  • Basic consulting

The type of services directed at investors that begin investment process:

      • we advise what administrative procedures are essential for particular type of projects,
      • we explain individual regulations and create action plan specifying the necessary steps for finalization of the investment,
      • we analyze and determine whether the investment project requires: decision determining environmental conditions for the project, tree cutting permit, decisions related to species protection, water-legal permit, decision on development conditions, building permit, notice for intention to conduct construction works, building permit decision change,
      • in questionable situations we prepare appropriate analyses and studies that can be presented in a form of legal opinions and constitute as evidence during administrative proceedings.
  • Advanced environmental consutling

We offer preparation/conduction of all necessary environmental procedures and studies required for issuance of decision determining environmental conditions for the project pursuant to the Act of 3 October 2008 on provision of environmental information, environment conservation, public participation in environment conservation, and evaluation of environmental impact (Journal of Laws no. 199 item 1227 as amended), the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 9 November 2010 on projects with possible significant environmental impact (Journal of Laws no. 213, item 1391) and Code of Administrative Procedure (Journal of Laws of 2000, No. 98 item 1071 as amended). This includes: preparation of applications and investment information cards, step by step realization of proceedings leading to issuance of decisions on environmental conditions for the investment, including preparation of environmental impact assessment reports, field studies, public consultations, arrangements on the environmental conditions for the planned project with the Regional Environmental Protection Directorate and District Inspector of the Chief Sanitary Inspection. When being granted power of attorney from inwestor we supervise all the processes from cradle to completion.

  • Advanced construction consulting

We offer possibility of coordination of the proces leading to issuance of building permit for the project. Within the framework of this service we supervise proces of preparation of construction design documentation alongside with arrangements proces with different project related institutions.
